Se l’ultima edizione del salone di Milano è stata indicata come la più importante di sempre è anche grazie all’impegno messo in campo dalle aziende presenti. A fare la differenza, nel nostro caso, hanno contribuito gli allestimenti ospitati allo stand, ben 12 veicoli tra moto e scooter, personalizzati con accessori dedicati progettati dal team di GIVI. A questa straordinaria “presenza”, costituita da modelli da pochissimo sul mercato, tra cui l’attesissima BMW R1300GS, dedichiamo l’apertura del nostro magazine. CUSTOMISED KITS FOR MOTORCYCLES AT THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION If the most recent edition of the Milan Show has been described as the most important one ever, it’s partly thanks to the top-quality work put in by the companies present there. In our case, one thing that helped to make a difference was the staging of the equipment at our stand: no fewer than 12 vehicles, including motorcycles and scooters, customised with dedicated accessories designed by the GIVI team. We have chosen to devote the opening part of our magazine to this extraordinary display, consisting of models only recently on the market, including the hotly anticipated BMW R1300GS. 5 Givi Magazine December 2023