appassionato di viaggi in moto. Da Oklahoma ad Amarillo, il nostro esploratore assapora la vera cultura americana! Attraversato il Texas, l’itinerario prosegue nel New Mexico fino a Santa Fe, per poi dirigersi verso l’Arizona. Dalla grandiosità del Grand Canyon alle affascinanti cittadine lungo il percorso, la Route 66 offre nuove scoperte ed emozioni ogni giorno. Dopo diversi giorni di viaggio, Rodrigo arriva finalmente a destinazione nella soleggiata Santa Monica, in California, dove la spiaggia ed il famoso molo sull’oceano Pacifico lo accolgono calorosamente. Bassa California Dopo aver ammirato tutta la bellezza della West Coast a Santa Monica, il viaggio riparte verso casa, esplorando le meraviglie naturali e culturali della Bassa California, in Messico, fino alla sua città principale, Tijuana, e poi al suggestivo centro costiero di Ensenada. In queste zone, le acque cristalline del Golfo della California incontrano il deserto, creando paesaggi unici. Il viaggio continua attraverso Rosarito, famosa per le sue splendide spiagge e la vivace vita notturna, Mulegé, un’oasi nel deserto con una vegetazione lussureggiante, e infine Loreto, un’altra straordinaria città costiera ricca di storia e bellezze naturali. Il momento più emozionante per Rodrigo è l’esperienza del traghetto da La Paz a Mazatlán, che gli offre viste spettacolari dell’oceano e un nuovo modo di apprezzare la bellezza del mare. Da Mazatlán, percorre oltre 1.000 km per tornare a Città del Messico, attraversando città pittoresche e maestose montagne. The third travel story we would like to share is that of Rodrigo Mescarenhas, expert motorcyclist of Mexican origin and GIVI Explorer. Amongst his most epic undertakings, one that stands out is a solitary journey that is the dream of all motorcycle adventurers: from Mexico City to the legendary Route 66 and on to discover Baja California Divided into three stages, this journey offers breathtaking panoramas, unique encounters and unforgettable memories. At least, that’s what our protagonist Rodrigo said, after travelling alone with only his motorbike for company over 9,000 km, exploring ten Mexican states and five US states. Northern Mexico This thrilling adventure begins in the vibrant Mexico City and immediately took Rodrigo north into more rural and mountainous country. One of the most extraordinary places on the first stretch is undoubtedly Monterrey, a vibrant and dynamic city located at the foot of the majestic Sierra Madre. After a “restorative stopover”, the journey continues to Laredo, to cross the border into the US. The USA and Route 66 After crossing the border, the journey continues across the immense Texas, with its vast plains and great metropolises such as San Antonio, Dallas and Austin. The weather is unpredictable and Rodrigo is faced with scorching heat, torrential rain and strong winds. The real adventure begins when the BMW GS finally reaches the legendary Route 66, the dream of every motorcycle traveller. From Oklahoma to Amarillo, our explore gets a taste of real American culture! Crossing Texas, the route continues in New Mexico through to Santa Fe, before heading towards Arizona. From the majesty of the Grand Canyon to the fascinating towns along the way, Route 66 offers a journey of discovery and excitement every day. After several days of travel, Rodrigo finally reaches his destination in the sunny Santa Monica, California, where the famous beaches and pier onto the Pacific offer him a warm welcome. Baja California After admiring all the beauty of the West Coast at Santa Monica, the homeward journey begins, exploring the natural and cultural wonders of Baja California, Mexico, all the way to the biggest city, Tijuana, and on to the enchanting coastal city of Ensenada. In these areas, the crystalline waters of the Gulf of California meet the desert, creating unique landscapes. The journey continues towards Rosarito, famous for its wonderful beaches and vibrant nightlife, Mulegé, a desert oasis of lush vegetation, and finally Loreto, another extraordinary coastal city with a rich history and of great natural beauty. The most breathtaking moment for Rodrigo is the ferry crossing from La Paz to Mazatlán, with its spectacular views over the ocean, offering a new way to appreciate the beauty of the ocean. From Mazatlán, another 1,000 km take him to Mexico City, crossing many more picturesque towns and majestic mountain landscapes. MEXICO AND ROUTE 66 A CINEMATIC ADVENTURE 25 Givi Magazine June 2024